Did this month’s onesie mean to look like the first draft of a horror movie poster? No. But let’s call that a happy October accident. I really wanted to use Lars’ hand for his five-month’s onsie because he is growing like a little weed and I’m sure his mitt will be bigger than mine in no time.
Step 2. Stuff the onsie with a paper bag so that the paint doesn’t run through to the backside. Tape the onesie down to your work surface, and gather a bowl for your fabric paint and a bowl of water for a quick rinse afterwards.
Step 3. Gently press your baby’s hand into the paint and directly onto the onesie. Then, immediately dunk his hand into the water bowl.
I was extra paranoid about the paint on his hands since he’s teething and basically has his hands in his mouth 24/7, so I also drew a bath for him BEFORE we started this project, so that I could wash him off right afterwards!
He’s rocking hat onesie! What a simple, and cute craft.