Baby Lars celebrated his one-month birthday this week, and to commemorate the moment, I felt I had to MAKE him something.
I mean, what kind of crafter would I be if I didn’t start producing for my first born child?
Answer: An exhausted one, with only moments of “free time”
Luckily, I had a few white onesies, some fabric pens (not a complete box, of course, so I had to use a Sharpie as well) and when the babe went down for a quick 20 minute nap, I got busy.
The steps are no great mystery, but I had to post this project on the blog to prove (to myself) that I can keep crafting with a baby.
If you want to make your own birthday onesie, note that Sharpie markers stink to high heaven, and I had to hand wash this number in cold water & detergent TWICE to get the stink out. This step slowed down my “quick craft” quite a bit, but had I been more organized, I would have known where my black fabric marker was and could have skipped the pre-wash altogether.
We’re having a lot of fun with this dumpling of a boy. He’s got such a sunny disposition, and most of the time, he lets us sleep a few hours in the night. That’s the best we can ask for!
Adorable onesie for an adorable baby!
Us Scandinavians (I’m half Dane’/half Norwegian) have it made when it comes to gorgeous babies. Don’t we?
Mine is 23yrs old, but beautiful none-the-less.
Keep on crafting.