We’re fresh off a two week road trip to North Dakota to see some very special family members. Along the way, we stopped at Cabela’s and picked up Lars’ first camouflage ball cap…
When we returned home from our awesome trip (more on that later), it was time to make Lars’ 3-month onesie.
(BTW, I’m painfully aware that I have only posted to the blog once a month since his birth, but I promise you (and myself) that I’m gearing up for more frequent/regular posts…)
ANYWAY, with camo on my mind, and no time on my side, I turned to this camo fabric spray I received in my speaker bag at Craftcation this year.
With Lars sleeping peacefully in his bouncer chair in the shade of the backyard, I assessed my materials: Onesie, fabric paint, scissors or blade, masking tape, cardboard.
With the onesie washed and dried, I inserted the cardboard into the neck-opening, cut several large pieces of tape, and made a huge “3” on the front.
Following the directions on the back of the fabric paint, I sprayed the tan layer (on the front and back) and let it dry. Next, I ripped the tape into pieces and placed them haphazardly on the front and back of the onsie, then sprayed the brown layer. Finally, I added more torn tape pieces, and sprayed the olive green paint. I let the whole thing dry for 72 hours and removed all of the tape.
I used my fabric marker to outline the three and add “MONTH” for some added clarification.
My critical error was washing the onsie with a batch of towels (apparently.)
After completing my nearly perfect camo onsie, I ruined it in the wash. Maybe there was a scoop of OxyClean in the machine already. Seems possible with the amount of poop we’re currently removing from fabric these days… Anyway, I rushed to make a second onsie and it doesn’t look nearly as good. Also, the amount of fabric spray in my bottles was the EXACT amount for two onesies, so a third time would NOT be the charm. Craft fail.
At least Lars is still adorable!
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