So, a couple of months ago I made a worm bin. I wanted a source of organic fertilizer, and to reincarnate my veggie kitchen scraps. Tossing them in the trash seemed like such a waste. Making the worm bin was pretty darn easy. Keeping it thriving, was even easier than I expected. I currently feed my worms about once a week, and check the top layer of cardboard for moisture at each feeding- adding more water if the cardboard is a bit dry. The worm bin has become my inconspicuous little fertilizer factory.
During the past couple of weeks, I started noticing that all of the newspaper fluff that had once been clean worm bedding had transformed into dark brown worm poop- the fertilizer I had been wanting! It was time to give the worms a new newspaper home, and harvest my “crop.”

You’re crazy. That’s all. Just crazy. If I’m going to have to do all that to have a garden as nice as yours… you might have to count me out. It doesn’t gross me out, its just too much work!
You are so stinkin’ amazing Megan, I can’t believe it!
If I saw this post a tiny bit earlier, I could’ve saved myself a boatload of money. I was beguiled by the super cute stand at the farmers market, and bought a premade worm composter. What a mistake. I should have known there was a less expensive way of doing it. Your dear husband will be so disappointed in me…sorry.
Janee!! Silly goose. Just come on over, I’ve got LOTS of worm poops for you. I’ll even bag them up. Seriously tho- this is EASY! You could totally hand it. See the stick next to the food bowl in the pic 4th from the top? That’s my “feeding tool” so that I can push the worms and their newspaper around w/o touching anything
Melissa! I will NOT tell him
You of all people should make one of these- I know you are a juice-maker- that left over pulp is PERFECT worm food. Plus the boys would totally love it! 