With Christmas (and New Year’s!) coming up fast, there is almost certainly an opportunity to wear, or give this mistletoe headband to someone you would like to lock lips with. This craft requires no special tools (other than the trusty hot glue gun), and takes only minutes to assemble. So whether you are trying to catch the eye of that handsome man in the reindeer sweater over by the punch bowl OR, are just having a scary hair-day and need some help taming your locks before the next holiday party, this headband craft is your new best friend.
I started with a 4-pack of no-slip headbands I had picked up at Target. I liked the colors, the amount of stretch they gave, and the glue-like substance that prevented them from sliding off my giant cranium like other headbands tend to do.
The material I used was a recycled sweater. One of my best friends had just given me her unwearable green, wooly cardigan- and with about 6 inches off each sleeve (from the cuff towards the elbow), I was able to make enough leaves for three headbands.
(After Googling “Mistletoe” for the basic shape) I cut out three leaf strips per each headband. I hot glued the two longer pieces down (stem to stem), and then glued the smaller of the three leaves on top of the seam. I added a few dots of hot glue down the length of the leaves (not a solid string), so that the leaves would stay put as they stretched.
I glued down some white beads of varying sizes and was all set. I would recommend running a needle through the beads, and stitching them down for extra security before glueing- something I thought of after the fact.
Even with an added stitch here and there, the headbands take less than ten minutes to cut out, and glue together! Hello adorable gift you can make during a commercial break while you watch the Christmas Story marathon.
I gave one of the headbands to my little sister. She looked adorable, AND got a few smooches out of it. Yay!
Hope you enjoy this budget-friendly holiday accessory- And good luck with that guy by the punch bowl!
This is awesome, but does it count if it’s not real mistletoe?
Yep- it totally counts. Plus it’s green- it’s recycling and saving real mistletoe (which is parasitic and probably doesn’t need saving… but still!)
You are so creative, I am making gift bags that I learned from Sew Many Ways. We never stop creating. I am done shopping, ran out of tags so making them also.
Gisela Omaha, NE
Aww thanks Gisela! Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful handmade holiday out there in Omaha! Enjoy! And thanks so much for reading!
Just discovered your website,,,love, love, love it!! Can’t wait to try some of your ideas!