Last week I wrote a blog post for Creativebug on a little trip I took to French General in Los Angeles. While I was there, I picked up several treasures. It was so much fun looking at all of their lovely fabrics, ribbons and notions. I left with three spools of twine, a few brass lockets and brass wishbones, and a spool of red and white polka dot ribbon.
I wanted to make some quick necklaces for my loved ones, so I printed out special messages for each of them and used rubber cement to tack them inside the lockets. I strung up the heart lockets and wishbones on pieces of twine that measures about 24 inches long, then tied the ends with sliding knots. Finally, I stitched the ribbons in place with a needle and thread.
The whole project took no more than 5 minutes per necklace, but I’m happy with the results and will be sending these quick lockets out with the mail today.
How are you spreading love to your friends and family this year?
Super cute!
Thanks Madge!