Last weekend the Renegade Craft Fair came to my town (Los Angeles). I LOVE the Renegade Fair but could only attend the San Francisco venue this year. I wanted to share some photos of that event, since I had SO much fun!
The event was held at Fort Mason, a big, airy warehouse right on the water, with a great view of Alcatraz.
I was there giving craft demos in the Creativebug booth. This was their first craft show and I was happy to help them in any way they needed. Including, making their booth banner out of hand-cut letters that I pieced onto a sewn canvas background. It did look a bit “hand-crafted” but I liked the end result and was happy for any chance I could get squeeze a little DIY project into my day.
The mega-talented Sam, from Creativebug hand-lettered all of the chalk boards announcing the craft demos, and made cute table signs as well as an incredible table doodle. He’s pretty amazing.
I gave back-to-back craft demos on Saturday morning. I love teaching the Danish Heart Baskets because it’s so satisfying once you figure it out and everyone seems to really enjoy it! Plus, it’s a way to share part of my heritage with new friends, which is always a treat.
I ended up teaching for four solid hours. Was it tiring? A little, it was more fun than anything! There was a CONSTANT stream of interested crafters… all of whom were ADORABLE. Here are a few of my happy crafters:
Some of my heart-makers used their new creations as hats…
I had quite a few “man-crafters” who were not afraid to show their softer side (including the aforementioned Sam on the right.)
It seemed like everyone had a great time crafting their Danish Heart Baskets.
Some of them even became iPhone cozies…
After my demos, I took a little break to walk around to see some of the show, and meet up with my friend.
I met half the dynamic duo that is Clean Getaway Soap Company at Craftcation last year and was so stoked to see them in San Francisco! They are the best, and their soap smells so amazing, I’m always tempted to eat it. Is that normal?
I was also thrilled that Mimi Kirchner was at the show! I have loved her dolls FOREVER and meeting her was quite a treat.
When I made it back to the Creativebug booth, Megumi Inouye was hosting her cool upcycled gift wrap demo! What a packed booth that was!
After Megumi, the adorable Amelia Strader of Go-Go Craft arrived to demo her finger knitting technique.
Between all of the fun craft demos and chatting with show attendees, I had a BLAST giggling with our booth neighbors Cathy Callahan and Robert Mahar. I heart these two. They make me giggle.
On day two of Renegade SF, after a scrumptious breakfast with my favorite soapsters, I actually got to participate in some of the free demos! I was really excited to try my hand at making an Artist Trading Card. It was a lot of fun to let the commotion of the show fall away, and just focus on making something for a few minutes.
When I saw one little boy making a “Craft Wars” card, I was thrilled! (My episode is airing on August 14th, you guys! Set your DVR’s) I chatted with the Craft Wars card-maker, and mentioned that I was going to be on the show. He was speechless! Then, he grabbed my hand and took me over to meet his mother and sisters, who are all super-fans of the show. He asked if I talked about San Francisco on-air, and I sheepishly told him, ” Aww, I’m just visiting San Francisco. I actually live in Los Angeles.” His face fell, but he assure me he would cheer for my team anyway. He also asked me (with a seriously concerned look on his face) if I was a Dodgers fan. I told him I grew up in San Diego, and am a Padres fan for life. He said he loved the Giants (obviously, based on his second Artist Trading Card) but he liked the Padres too. Whew!
After a bit more crafting and chatting, I set out to meet a few more awesome artists and crafters in the Creativebug roster! First on my list was the talented Hilary Williams. This gal is rad. She makes really impressive screen prints, lives on a farm, plus, she’s adorable.
I was excited to meet Alix Bluh (pictured below, far left) who makes REALLY amazing reliquary jewelry. I adore the aesthetic of her work. In fact, I plan on watching all of her Creativebug workshops asap, and am saving a few special trinkets to bring to her and transform them into one of her gorgeous, and meaningful pieces. To her right, is the fabulous Debra of Creativebug. She hates being photographed, but I adore her and am thrilled that she agreed to pose with Alix 

I was honored with a double-whammy of talent when I met Jody Alexander, the incredible, interesting, and charming paper and book artist, as well as Lisa Coris, the fabulous, fun and endearing jewelry designer. Meeting these ladies in person was a trip. I’d been watching their workshops, and started to feel as though I knew them already. Not in a stalker-ish way, but you know… it just felt so familiar when we chatted; as if I was meeting old friends.
Lastly, I had to share this picture of me and Courtney Cerruti. I think that if Courtney and I lived in the same zip code, I would be hanging out with her non-stop. Her talent is astounding; she’s very much a maker-extroidenaire, as well as a very, very sweet gal.
Special thanks to for asking me to participate in their booth!
While I wish I could have attended the Los Angeles-based event this year, I am looking forward to the next Renegade Craft Fair- regardless of the city, because there are always interesting people, spunky new friends, warm and familiar faces, cozy, life-long pals and loads of talent everywhere you look.
What a great blog post, Megan. Really enjoyed it.
So much fun to see you and craft with you!