A couple of weekends ago, my husband and I spent the morning wandering around the LA Arboretum. Here are a few snaps from that day. Enjoy your weekend!
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I love it, I could get use to living in an environment like that.
Not too bad, right?
First of all, I thought it was only British parks that were overrun with Canada geese, so thanks for dispelling that myth! Secondly, what kind of bird is in the penultimate photo? I,ve never seen it here before – is it wild?
You’re welcome! You guys should check out the Arboretum! It’s a bit of a haul from SB and REALLY hot this time of year, but if you go early, you can beat the traffic and the heat
I’m trying to find my nerdy little field guide to southern Californian birds because I have the same questions! Not sure what that little guy is, but he wasn’t shy about posing for photos and showing off that bug he had in his beak.