I love Christmas. I love being bundled up, hot beverages, midnight mass at the church I grew up in, getting those glossy postcards and typed annual summaries from far-away friends…. and I LOVE getting to see my mom, dad and sister in San Diego. I think hard about what kind of year they have each had, and what I might make or buy that will brighten their Christmas morning. That moment when they unwrap something I made or picked out for them- and I see them light up a little? Yep, I love that. I love giving presents to the people I love.
This year, I wanted to extend the gift-giving a little. While I’d LOVE to make each of you a gift this year, I fear that’s not in my personal budget. Instead, I’ve made one great big stocking, and stuffed it full of radmegan-made cheer. I will be giving it away to one of you (read on to find out how to be eligible.)
What’s in this radmegan stocking o’ cheer, you ask?
Aside from the hand-made 100% wool felt stocking in white and cornflower blue, and featuring one of my Danish woven hearts sewn on the front as a nifty pocket, the winner of this give-away will also receive…
One of my Needle-Felted Reindeer ornaments….
My 10+foot strand of Needle-felted Christmas Lights!
A radmegan lucet made of redwood (only one of it’s kind!) AND a ball of Burly Spun, Super Bulky (approx. 38 yards) 100% wool yarn in red. (Just like the kind of yarn I’m including in my new knitting fork Christmas kits, by the way…)
I mean, how can you resist this reindeer face? You need to win this give-away!
All this radmegan-made stuff could be yours!!
Mandatory: You must join my site/ “follow” this blog via the Google Friend Connect. Huh? What’s Google Friend Connect? This thing on the side of my blog…
Again, To be eligible to win, you must follow this blog and leave a comment below. (I’m sorry, but this is the only mandatory part of the give-away. My Christmas wish is to reach 1,000 (ok, really 1,000,000!!! followers in 2012. Help a girl out?)
Want to increase your odds of winning? Each of the following will be counted as additional entries. Leave comments (one comment per each additional entry please!) below telling me whether you have:
4. Added my etsy store to your circle:
5. Blogged about this giveaway (and sent me a link that I can see)
6. Tweeted about this giveaway (and sent me a link that I can see)
7. Facebooked about this giveaway (and sent me a link that I can see)
8. Shared with me: In the comments below, tell me about a post of mine you have tried. I love hearing from you!
Extra Credit: Tell a Friend…. This is on the honor system, but I’d sure love it if you told one friend about my blog.
On Thursday morning, I will go through all of the comments in this post, and randomly select one grand prize winner..
I will ALSO be giving away ONE radmegan-made needle-felted Santa Claus ornament and ONE radmegan-made needle-felted Elf ornament to TWO lucky runners-up!
See how much I love giving presents??
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And by the by, I’m not the only crafter on the block with a holiday give-away today!
Tara from www.thepinkcouch.blogspot.com has made this lovely lace holiday bag stuffed with all sorts of beautiful goodies!
Jennifer from http://

And my pal Jessica from http://
So if you are as much a fan of getting gifts as we are of giving them, feel free to swing on over and check out there blogs too!
And good luck in the radmegan Stocking o’ Cheer Give-Away!!
I am a follower! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win…. such a cute reindeer! hugs xo bonitarose bonnieangel1797@gmail.com
Following you on FB for awhile now, and now here
Didn’t know if I needed a separate comment for also following you on FB or not… I do follow you on there
liked your fb page
added your shop to my circle on etsy
I will follow you! xoxo
love all that you do and how cool do our combined efforts look up there? super cool! yay!
I am a follower, I enjoy your photos and all of your goodies.
I’m a Follower and Christmas is my birthday! I love this time of year and I love all your projects. My mother and I started needle felting not too long ago and she would LOVE all your little ornaments!
and I also liked you on facebook and your etsy shop is all ready favorited by me
I follow!
And I follow on FB – how I discovered the contest!
And ditto for twitter!
I am definitely a follower and would love a chance to win your lucet as well as all your other goodies.
I have added your shop to my etsy circle (rosewendy)
Not sure if your giveaway is available to overseas followers (I’m in Australia) but hey, if not, no biggie, am happy just to share the love!!
So, have worked my way through your list and:
already follow your blog and subscribe to emails (so big check there!)
liked you on Facey
followed you on Twitter (for verification my name there is Narrabrite and my profile pic is a piglet that I hand reared!!)
I’m pretty sure that I added you to my circle on Etsy – am pretty new to it – but again am Narrabrite
I tweeted about the competition and tagged you in the tweet so you could see it (https://twitter.com/#!/Narrabrite/status/145699129107021825)!
I posted a link to this page on Facey (and again tagged you – https://www.facebook.com/allison.michell.davis)
As for my favourite posts – so many to choose from – but I am still busting to try the cedar plank salmon, I LOVED the string gardens and as for that peppermint bark that you made for your sister, what can I say – ambrosia!!
Finally for some extra unasked credit, I thought that since I first found you on Pinterest I would go back there – I followed all of your boards, and then pinned a link to this page and tagged you in it (here’s a link http://pinterest.com/pin/111112315776174320/) and then just for fun I also tweeted that one!
Crikey – I’m beginning to become that kid in class that we all hate, but hey, I love my daily emails from radmegan and anything I can do to help spread the love is a pleasure!
Good luck everyone!! xx
I am a follower on facebook.
Would love, love, love!!! to win this giveaway! So very generous of you. (You know I’m a follower already)
I definitely “Like” radmegan on Facebook!
Following you on Twitter @CassandraPook
You’re in my Etsy circle – PooknflipProductions.
Blogged your giveaway on my blog, FlightOfThePook.com
I don’t know how to post a link of a tweet – but I did @radmegan you in my tweet sharing your giveaway. (I’m @CassandraPook)
I shared your giveaway on my FB page! http://www.facebook.com/PooknflipProductions
The last post I tried of yours was one of your recipes. I can’t remember exactly which one – but it was a muffiny/bready something and it was delicious. And I cannot wait to try your stuffed cabbage recipe you shared in the Viennese recipe post. Still haven’t gotten to it.
Thanks again for doing this giveaway. It is so generous – if I win (knock on wood!) I’d love to gift the package to a very crafty friend of mine who moved to NY last year. I miss her very much. She would love this. <3
Now following your blog…. lovely giveaway!
Also have faved your shop on Etsy…. (my etsy name is fiftytwo)
I`m following you in Google and I`m subscribed to your blog.
Tweeted (@samanthaangela)
I’ve never used a knitting fork. I think I’ve achieved the same effect with fingers, but I bet you get a lot less rope burn with the fork. I’d love to try it!
I really want that fork! I’m following on Twitter now too.
And on Etsy
And facebook!
I am now following you on GFC (as well as RSS).
Following you on Twitter…
…and retweeted your contest at https://twitter.com/#!/radmegan/status/146799466953969664
Eek, so many amazing things! You do beautiful work
I’ve used your tutorial on danish hearts to make felt tree decorations this year – thanks for the great info. However, I’m really trying very hard not to make the peanut butter cups or peppermint bark – I have a feeling those are gifts I’d be giving to me!
*fingers crossed*
also, following you on twitter as @bronlivingstone
…and like you on Facebook!
oh, and tweeted about the contest too! twitter.com/@bronlivingstone
I like you on facebook
I’m subscribe on google friend connect!
I also tried the marshmallows and it was a lot of work! I roped my mom into helping me with them and she hated it and vowed to never try making them again. But I’m gonna see if I can get her to try making them with me again this year.
I just followed. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome goodies!
Also, just “liked” you on Facebook! Yay!
And Twitter is in the mix as well.:)