I worked on these all weekend, and will officially put them up in my etsy store tonight, along with several scarflets I’ve made in an array of colors and yarns.
In addition to just the forks, which are $13 each and come with a hand-drawn instruction booklet, I will be selling some lucet-knitting kits that include some of my favorite yarns. These make great holiday gifts for all ages!
Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
They smell amazing, are as smooth as can be, and were shaped to fit comfortably in your hand! And as I said, each one was made BY HAND, by yours truly.
I’m going to be giving a lot of hand-made gifts this year for Christmas, and if you are looking for a unique gift made with love, this is it! (Or these!) Happy crafting ya’ll!
Wow, Megan! They look amazing. I want one!
Thank you! I’ll set one aside for you! I already sold a batch to the Urban Craft Center to use for in-store classes, parties and kids camp! Exciting!
I want one, too! 😀 I’ve been wanting to do something for a caring friend of mine, but I didn’t want to just throw a giftcard in a bag and call it good. What a very thoughtful gift this will be.
Oh my gosh! Book-marking your shop. Will check back tomorrow! Thank you Miss Rad!
I just checked the store and didn’t see them. Are they sold out already?!
p.s. You’re too cool for school. That is all.
Hi Kelly!
Thanks so much! I just put them online… http://www.etsy.com/listing/85639317/hand-made-wooden-lucet-knitting-fork
I’ve gotten more requests than I had lucets available- so I will start on my second batch asap!
Thanks everyone- glad you like these so much!
I had a feeling they would go like hotcakes! Got my order in.
Thanks, Megan!
You know I want one…with instructions of course! They look great and would love to learn. CA
Megan, do you still have any available? I want one for myself!!!!
Yes indeed! And I’m heading to the post office tomorrow in case you are interested in ordering soon
Thanks for the comment! Here’s where you can purchase: http://www.etsy.com/listing/85873847/hand-made-wooden-lucet-knitting-fork?ref=pr_shop
Thank you for the Lucet gift pack! I gave this to my daughter for her 14th birthday on Jan 5. We were not able to view the video on You Tube however. It said it was unavailable. She figured out how to make them without a problem but we are wondering the best way to finish them. We just tied a knot and used a knitting needle to weave in the ends. Is this right?
Thanks again!
Hi Dar! I’m sorry the video didn’t work- It worked for me when I went to this URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzFNb_8noec
Basically, you weave the end of the yarn through both of the loops that go around each fork tine. Then give the yarn a good strong pull- it should knot itself
I hope your daughter enjoys! Thank you so much for your order
I sent you an email requesting a knitting fork. I would love one. Can you tell me if and when you might have more?
Goodness, are you not selling the lucets anymore? I would love one to use in school in our Treasure topic – starting with the Vikings! Can’t find them on etsy though…
Help, please!!
Hi Mairi, I got your message through facebook and responded. More are coming soon
I would like to buy a lucet are you still selling them
Saw your post…are these still available? Would like to purchase one/or kit maybe for my class. Thanks
I want to learn how to use a knitting fork.
It doesn’t look like you current my carry any lucets. I want to buy one… Can you tell me the dimensions of yours? Seems like they sell them in different sizes. I want yo make the scarf you posted about. Thank you!
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