On Sunday morning, I came down with a summer cold. I managed to stay upright for the entire morning, but spent the evening on couch indulging in something I rarely get to do- reading through interior design catalogs. I got to thinking about orchids grown under cloches. These things are used as accents in nearly every home design catalog that shows up in my mailbox. I personally love the way an orchid looks in a cloche or bell-jar. I, however have NEVER been successful when it comes to growing a live orchid in one. Outside, in my garden? Yes. In my kitchen, on the counter? Yes. Under glass? Never.
I slowly peeled myself off the couch, armed with tissues and Alka-Seltzer Cold, and set out to make a mini orchid from sheets of felt, and using one of my many baby food jars.
Frankly, I’m still feeling green in the gills. So after a day of sleeping, crafting and more resting I ended up with a miniature Paphiopedilum (Lady Slipper Orchid) made of felt, and housed in a baby food jar cloche. Finally, that Victorian/vintage look of an orchid under glass is all MINE.
And when I’m all better, I promise I’ll show you how I made it. The how-to is coming soon, friends. Right after another nap…
How cute!
Thanks Krystall! <3
Ha! That’s cute. What a neat little idea.
Oh so lovely!