I’ve been walking a lot this month. I want to keep up my “Euro-pace,” activity-wise, so 3x a week I will walk/run between 5-8 miles. And MOST of the time, walking affects my food choices too. I use my Nike+ so that I can track how far I’ve gone (my goal is 15-20 miles a week), and at the end of my workouts, my iPod tells me how many calories it thinks I’ve burned. – Which is great for me, because then I come home, I’m too exhausted to cook anything elaborate, and too calorie-conscious to eat anything terribly fatty
Also, it should be noted that this recipe is, in Jaques’ eyes, a dessert. Normally, I make these crepes sans the caramel bananas, but yesterday… ahhh yesterday… I threw my running shoes aside and embraced my inner Augustus Gloop. I wanted sweets darn it! And sweets for breakfast were had!
Why is the rum always gone? *does her best Jack Sparrow imitation* I might just have to let out my own Augustus for this..
This looks yuummm, Megan. I need to pick some nice Portuguese recipes for you
By the way, I’ll be traveling to USA in November (Washington DC and New Yok)
Melody- Why indeed?!? Hahah
Celia! COME TO LOS ANGELES! Couldn’t be farther from where you will be, I know, but.. but!!!
Holy wow, these look fantastic!