Sometimes dinner doesn’t have to be dinner. This was one of those weeks when going to the supermarket was not high on my priority list, and I had to get creative with what I had in the fridge. If you have a muffin tin, eggs, cheddar cheese, Canadian bacon and bread of any kind, you have breakfast! Or…dinner. With one standard muffin tin you can make 6 ham and cheese toasts, and 6 ham and egg toasts. It’s tasty, light, and quick.
Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray the muffin tin with cooking oil. Tear the Canadian bacon slices in half and use them to line most of the tin. Rip up the sandwich bread into quarters and use it finish lining the muffin tin. In half of the cups, crack the eggs and season with ground pepper and salt, in the other half, add sliced cheddar cheese and season lightly with salt. Bake for about ten minutes.
I sautéed up a few of the last tomatoes from our garden with a little thyme to finish off this light and satisfying dinner. Enjoy!
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ya ya ya ya ya YUM! Remember when we had breakfast for dinner when I was enormous pregnant and I burned the bacon but the Read’s were so sweet they pretended they liked it that way? Miss you sis!
that. looks. amazing.
@Caroline you are CRAZY. Bacon is always delicious. Even when burned which yours wasn’t AT ALL! I miss you too. We need a date pronto. LalalalaLOVE you!
@Murf Come to me. I will make you a dozen! They keep well in the fridge and are TASTY for brekkie!
YUM I want to come eat some! Those look sooo yummy