After last week’s first attempt at felting, I knew I had far more to give to this craft. In my bluebird project, something was off. It felt awkward. Yes, it was a new craft for me, but I couldn’t pinpoint why the process was so cumbersome. It turned out that the needle I was using, was a five-pointed mega-needle, used for making sweaters or huge flat pieces of felt. After watching a few seconds of needle-felting videos online, I noted that most people used a single barbed needle for more accurate, precision felting. I grabbed one of the replacement needles for my mega-felter, and things got better, quick.
The fact is, I didn’t take a single photograph of the goldfish-making process, because I had no idea whether my follow-up attempt at needle-felting would result in a recognizable shape, or just bloody thumbs again.
I made the big-eyed goldfish in about an hour. I am an avid jar-saver, and thought that the lovely jar I’d picked up for the peaches it originally held would be a great make-shift aquarium.
When I first introduced the fish to his new home, he seemed lonely. I felted a quick aquarium plant the next morning, and glued it to the bottom of the jar. I made a wire base for my fishy, and glued that in as well. Overall, I was extremely happy with my new swimmy friend and his tidy glass home.
Hope you like my felted goldfish friend. If you have any animal suggestions or requests, I’d love to hear them! I’m totally enamored with felting right now, and ready for any challenge you can throw at me!
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. I made two new felted friends over the weekend. Tomorrow I’ll introduce you to the other.
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Must. have. that.
So cool! I really really love it.
You should do a larger aquarium! I would love to see that.
So. Totally. Cute.
How adorable would it be to have a small school of individually mason-jarred felt fish lined on a few shelves in a child’s room? ADORABLE.
Excellent idea!
How about a sloth? 😛
Well hellooooo there! thanks for commenting and leading me to your FABULOUS blog. I read through tons of it to catch up and love all your recipes and pictures! not to mention this amazing little fishy addition to your family. yes, please!
kewwwwwwt! monkey with banana next!
Anne Marie and Farrah- I love that you both single-word sentenced me!! Thanks darlings xoxo
Brian, I’m SO making a sloth. Love it.
Miriam- hello!! Yes, I’ve been lurking and admiring your blog- thanks in kind for your own lurk/comment combo 😉
Vicki! Monkey and banana coming right up!!
Thanks friends! I’m still taking requests- so if you’ve got ’em, let me hear em!
what a great present for Vday for my grandsons
Nice information. Just loved it.
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