Family Recipe: Homemade "Norwegian" Pickles
Thanksgiving is approaching and for many Americans that means travel, family and food, glorious food. For the last couple of years I have spent Thanksgiving with my in-laws, and while they are lovely and wonderful people, I still find myself missing my mom’s signature dishes and wondering what she is cooking at any particular moment in the days before Thanksgiving. So this year, I am heading to Utah armed with one cucumber, some sugar and a whole lotta vinegar, because if I have another left-over turkey sandwich withOUT homemade pickles, I may curl up into the fetal position and cry out for my mommy. They just taste like home. And p.s. they are so super easy.
Cut the ends off one large cucumber and score the entire thing with a fork length-wise. Slice the scored cucumber into a bowl and sprinkle with salt. (Photos above)
Set salted cuc’s aside and, in a saucepan combine 2 cups vinegar, 2 cups sugar and one cup water. Stir together and bring to a boil. Immediately pour the vinegar mixture over the salted cucumbers. Cover, and then chill for a couple of hours.
Apply pickles liberally to turkey sandwiches, salami sandwiches, meatloaf sandwiches, etc. or just eat them straight out of the bowl. These pickles are a crunchy comfort food for me. They make a great gift. They make a sandwich incredible. And make me think of my sweet mom. Store in the fridge in a bowl, or cute jar for gifting!
my mouth is watering. i love pickles.. mmmm.
I think those pickles (along with your M&D) are coming to our house this year. Yeah for us!
Oh MAN! We have to make these!
@Carlos I will make you some next time you are in LA. Say the word!!
@Mimi You lucky girl! Yeah for you indeed
@Jessica You should totally try these. So easy, and yet, SO DELISH!
Thanks for reading
My mom makes a no-cook version of these (she is Norwegian, too), complete with fork scoring.
What a great pickle recipe, thanks so much, love being able to make small batches, I am the only pickle fan in my house.
ooo what kind of vinegar do you use?
Oh how cool Catherine! Yet another thing we have in common
Medifast Coupons- Enjoy the small batch of personal pickles! Thanks for reading!!
Sunny, I’ve used plain white vinegar, and red wine vinegar too- Both are very nice. It’s such a quick recipe that it’s easy to try different vinegars for different tastes
Thanks all!
thank you radmegan! what a great recipe, i will definitely try today!
Update on this recipe since my aunt and mom both questioned the number of cucumbers used…
While my mom’s recipe card SAID to use one cucumber, you can use up to three with this amount of liquid. My mom will double, and sometimes triple the recipe above (she always uses 3 cucs with the 2 cups vinegar, 2 cups sugar and one cup water) depending on how many people she’s feeding.
Enjoy- and thanks for reading mom & auntie Helen! Love you!
This recipe looks delicious! I love pickles, these look huge! I love it. Thank you for sharing this recipe!