About two years ago, I went to the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate with my husband and some friends. While there, a display of the most beautiful and fragrant orchids were in full bloom. Needless to say, I am a sucker for a fragrant orchid, and if the flower is unique looking, all the better! I left with a Stanhopea tigrina ‘Glory Of Mexico’, AM/AOS. Admittedly, I was hoping it would flower later that year. Nothing. The next year? Nothing. So when two flower spikes started to push through the moss of my planter this summer, I was overjoyed. The flower was more interesting than I had remembered, and smelled of Jackfruit and honeysuckle.

I brought the plant inside to show my husband when he returned home from work that evening. When he arrived, our bathroom had filled with the intoxicating smell of honey. I hope this orchid blooms again for me next year, but even it I only get flowers every 2-3 years from this plant, I still think it’s worth it.
Happy to read this blog.
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