Between work, work and more work, lazy weekends are few and far between. However, this weekend, the mister and I headed to Pismo Beach for a 3-day weekend camp out in search of fresh air, quiet nights and long walks.

It’s Monarch butterfly season in Pismo right now. I was expecting to see one or two flitting by, but there were HUNDREDS, maybe thousands of them fluttering around, sleeping in heavy clumps on long Eucalyptus branches, and dotting the blue sky with their bright orange wings!
Since we rushed out of the house on Friday, eager to shake the stress of the week off our boots, we forgot a LOT of our normal camp-cooking gear. We still managed to make several delicious meals (young chicken cooked over flame, Cheddar & thyme damper bread baked in coals, etc.) But most meals were eaten out of measuring cups. Yes, measuring cups we had plenty of, but bowls were in short supply. It somehow made meals more fun. And perhaps more portion-correct!
We ignored stale warnings from park rangers about bees…
…and the flappy wings of geese that tried tirelessly to beg for food. Eventually, the geese softened to us, and would come to our quite camp to hunt for grubs and sleep in the sun while we chatted…
We walked for hours along beach & dunes; admiring the plentiful sand dollars, noting the lack of Pismo clams and exploring a vast cave-network inside stunningly white cliffs.
The weather was wet when we left Los Angeles on Friday, but it stayed bright, dry and beautiful for us the rest of the weekend.
We even met up with the a-go-gos one day for lunch and a visit to the local Luffa Farm!
And of course, we had to take our VW Van out on the sand a few times… which may seem silly to some, but was a rare delight for us!
Three days away from traffic, sirens and deadlines ended much too quickly, but we treasured every second and had fun exploring a new campground, and new city. Thanks for your hospitality, Pismo Beach!
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