Four hours north of Los Angeles off the scenic Highway 1 are the quiet grassy hills and rocky beaches of San Simeon. Honking horns, sirens and smog melt away and are replaced by barking sea lions, howling winds, and morning mist. Beaches are strewn with jade and chert rocks, fluffy snowy plovers scurry to their nests, lupin flowers bloom in purple, yellow and pink, and in the field adjacent to the San Simeon State Park Camp, zebras graze in the morning mist.
Observe the Elephant Seal rookery from the walkways at Piedras Blancas beach, just four miles north of Hearst Castle. Docents are often on-site to answer questions about the playful and endearing sea creatures. April – September is the molting season and the adolescent males are particularly playful as they mock-fight, surf and splash in the breakers.
In the midst of the natural beauty is the former home of media tycoon William Randolph Hearst. Hearst Castle is a must-see for visitors. First-timers will gawk at the indoor and outdoor pools, and returning guests will enjoy new details of the magnificent home with each visit. Become a Friend of Hearts Castle to gain early access to special events like the posh wine-galas and glittering pool-side banquets.
While there are an assortment of quaint hotels and B&B in San Simeon, camping at the State Park offers beach access, hiking trails, clean bathrooms with hot showers, and the occasional friendly call of waterfowl from the quiet Santa Rosa Creek Preserve that flows through camp. Reservations can be made through September 30 by calling 1-800-444-PARK. Camping October – March is first-come, first-served, and typically less crowded.
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I’ve been here often (my aunt live in Cambria)and you forgot to mention just how much those elephant seals smell!
Ahhh yes, but isn’t that part of the fun? The surprise of smelling them before seeing them? I’m trying to convince Ed to go up this weekend! Let me know the next time you go
hey! thanks for commenting so now i can discover YOUR lovely blog! I love the photos. I’ve taken the Hearst Castle tour before and absolutely couldn’t believe it. Those pools are gorgeous!! And Lupin! Have you ever read the book about the lupin lady? a childhood classic in my family
happy wednesday!
Not far from there is another cool treasure of CA history: Mission San Antonio de Padua, situated in the mountains above (and near – or inside) Ft. Hunter Ligget… the mission is in grand shaped and looks like a really cool place to visit.. I haven’t been yet, but it’s on my list.
Hey Miriam, thanks for the comment, no I need to look for the lupin lady! I havent read it. Thanks for the tip, and thanks for reading
Murf, I haven’t been to that mission either! I’ll add it to my list. Let me know if you make plans to head up there anytime soon
I’m in love with the elephant seals. It’s magnificent how you can be so close to nature. Gorgeous pics, radmegan!