I am SO excited to be teaching my FIRST class at the Urban Craft Center on March 6th (a Sunday) from 11am-1pm. Sign up online, call this number (310.392.0139), or email this address: hello@theurbancraftcenter.com to sign up for my class! Space is limited, so HURRY!
What you can expect: Learn to sculpt wool into three dimensional shapes with a single barbed needle, but beware – this craft is very addicting! Special guest teacher (Megan Andersen (That’s me- radmegan!!) will show you how to create this adorable, wide eyed goldfish and aquatic plant. Finally, you’ll put together your finished pieces in a mini glass jar aquarium to display at home.
Teaching philosophy: “I believe the children ARE our future. Teach them well and let THEM lead the way.”
Provided: All the materials you will need to make your very own felted goldfish aquarium, plus Band-Aids for any needle-related owies, and gold-star stickers for students who do an extra good job. Is there anything more encouraging than a sticker from a teacher??
Cost: $35 non-member, 15% discount for members
Why: If you’ve ever wanted a pet, but have separation anxiety issues (a felt pet can’t die and won’t leave you), have ever wanted to write a teacher messages on your eyelids like in Raiders of the Lost Ark (I welcome all eyelid-written comments, questions, and encouraging words) or, have always hoped that you would receive a gold-star sticker from ME while in Santa Monica (I have the stickers in my hand RIGHT NOW), this class can make all of your hopes and dreams come true.
I hope to see you on March 6th!
Sign up today.
I wish I lived closer! I would totally be there with bells on!
Meeee tooooo! I’ve been thinking LOTS about our quilting adventure and wishing you were still local! Thanks for the comment doll! Let me know when you are back ’round these parts!
You are going to be so great at it. We have the “Lauritzen Gardens” here and they have classes, yours would be perfect.
That’s awesome Megan! All those felt animals are toooo cute!
Thanks ladies!!
ga447- I’ll look into Lauritzen Gardens- sounds neat! Wish I was closer
Catherine- Thank you sooooo much!!!!! xxxxoooo!!