Whiles surfing through flickr yesterday I came across a photo gallery dedicated to squirrels in a flattened resting position. Something about their relaxed poses made them look especially bewitching and I thought to myself, “flattened resting squirrel pillow”. Craft time!
I started by making a pattern, choosing my fabric and then got to work ironing, sewing, knotting, snipping, and finally stuffing the squirrel pillow with buckwheat hulls. I’d been wanting to make a small buckwheat hull pillow, and this seemed like just as good a time as any. It was a fairly quick sewing project but my first time using the hulls, and stuffing the squirrel was no small task, and now there are hulls all over my living room. Even with the use of a spoon and funnel, they are ALL over the living room. 

I love finished pillow. He’s full of mischief and is a good napping buddy. Maybe now I’ll send these shots to the flickr group that inspired the whole craft.
Woah! He’s cute. You can do anything!
Good job Megan. He is adorable. I wish you could see all the crazy behaviors of Gary’s squirrels in the back yard. Mom approves!
Thanks Sara
Thanks Mom
Good job figuring out how to comment!
Other types of pillowcases can weaken hair strands over time due to the friction caused by the materials.