Happy Friday! What better way to celebrate the end of the work-week than with felted heart pins?!
I’m dashing out to the post office to send these little friends off to their new homes.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! More crafts and recipes to come next week…
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Megan, I love you. You are so amazing. I want to make every single thing that you post. I also want to live next door to you and chat over a steaming cup of postum every morning.
Your keychain bff
Awww HPerk! That makes me so happy and sad at the same time! I’m sitting here drinking Inka right this moment (it’s my Postum stand-in) and wiiiiiiiiishing we were neighbors. Are you coming down here anytime soon? I’ll shower you in handmade love. And keychains.
your keychain bff
These are precious!! You have inspired me to make little trinkets to send to friends as well. Not sure I’m crafty enough to make felt hearts, but we will see what happens
Thank you Sara!! I bet you ARE crafty enough! Go for it
Ok, so how do you make these lil cuties?? Please tell.
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