Yesterday, a friend of mine sent me an image he’d found online* of a heart-shaped egg. It was so cute I had to figure out how to make my own. When I made my camping-inspired bento boxes, I mentioned that I was totally in awe of AnnaTheRed‘s bento creations. She has an egg-molding demonstration that I’ve always admired, but until I saw the heart-shaped egg, I didn’t think I could really make this on my own. As it turns out, shaping hard-boiled eggs is pretty easy!
I started by washing out a paper milk carton. I cut the carton along the seams and laid it flat. Then I cut it in wide strips that I folded in half. After boiling my eggs and rinsing them in cold water, I peeled off the shells, and placed one egg gently inside the folded strip of carton.
I attached a chopstick to one end of the milk carton with rubber bands, and gently laid it down atop the egg so that it pressed into the white. I attached the opposite end of the chopstick with more rubber-bands and put the eggs in the refrigerator to set for about 15 minutes.
I was so excited to see my first heart-boiled eggs! I made some toast with a heart-shaped cookie cutter, and breakfast was served!
This was my first time shaping eggs, and on the whole, I would say that it was successful. I look forward to trying the shapes that AnnaTheRed teaches on her site now that I’ve tried the heart! If you have picky eaters at home, or are just looking for a way to add some fun to your plate, try shaping your own heart-boiled eggs!
* EDIT: Turns out the inspiration image my friend sent me (from Reddit), WAS a pic of a heart-shapped eggs that AnnaTheRed herself had created and just not posted online yet! Awkward…. since I love her and would never want to steal her idea! Just so you know, her full egg post is up here, and her hearts are way cuter than mine!
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Haha, this is awesome. It reminds me of heart in a hole that James made me once.
Awesome! We make those when we go camping!
This is the cutest thing ever!! I can’t wait to try this!
This is so very VERY adorable… I love the addition of the heart-shaped toast.
Love this! I am hosting a bridal shower next week and I’m going to find a way to work this into my food.
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