Bad Days? Everybody has them. And this week, I’ve had my fair share. For being such a moody cow, I wanted to apologize to my loved ones in a way that showed sincerity while keeping things light-hearted. I don’t like to dwell on tense moments, but I do think it’s important to recognize when your stress affects everyone around you. To make amends in my home, I made a little paper banner, placed in a pot of flowers and set it by the door for my dear husband.
The materials I used to make my banner were:
Construction paper
White Glue
Ball-point pen
Wooden skewers
Embroidery thread
Utility knife (sharp box-cutter, or X-Acto knife)
The steps I followed are shown above. I first gathered all of my materials together. Then I traced a diamond shape onto my paper, and cut out the shape in several different colors.
Next, I folded all of the diamonds in half so that I had inverted pyramid-shapes. I wrote out my message, one letter at a time on the folded pieces (making sure the fold was above, and the pointed edge below each letter.)
Next, I took my embroidery thread, knotted it, and folded the diamond shape over the thread so that there was an inverted pyramid shape hanging over each side of the thread. I used a dot of white glue on the inside of the diamond, and pressed the flaps together.
Securing the flaps with the paperclips, I knotted the thread again (to help keep the individual banner pieces in place) and placed another diamond over the thread, next to the first one, and continued the process until my message was spelled out.
When I was ready to attach my banner to the wooden skewers, I used my utility knife, and cut a tiny notch in each. I placed a dot of white glue in the notch, and then tied the ends of my embroidery thread around the notch, secured with a double knot.
For me, this banner was the perfect blend of “I’m stressed out and being a jerk,” and “I made this for you, because I love you, and I’m sorry.” It was a unique sentiment that a store-bought card couldn’t quite say- and my husband really did appreciated the gesture. (That, and the homemade dinner that was also waiting for him.)
In addition to using paper banners as apology notes, I made an “It’s a Boy” diaper cake topper, and a “bride-to-be” wedding shower banner for two dear friends I’ll be seeing over the weekend. Messages delivered on hand-made banners might just be one of the cutest ways to say something from the heart. And if that doesn’t score you points, I suggest a banner AND a home-cooked dinner! 

I’m in love with this idea! I bet it would be super cute on top of a cake too. I’ve been a moody cow this week also…what’s with that?? Here’s to a cheerier weekend for both of us!
Consumed: My Culinary Adventure
Thanks Danielle!
The “It’s a Boy” banner was pretty cute on a diaper cake, but a banner on a REAL cake would be super cute!! So sorry you’ve had a rough week to! Here’s to next week being better for both of us! Enjoy your weekend
hey megan! what a cute idea! i’ve been such a crabby pants to my momma lately – an “i’m sorry” plant seems highly in need . . .my good girlfriend is approaching wedded bliss soon – i’ve shown her your cute newspaper flowers – do you have any other cute “bride-to-be” gift ideas?