This is one of my most favorite (and simple) breakfasts. Mash avocados on whole wheat toast, season with salt & pepper. Serve with Cuties (Mandarin oranges) and coffee. BON APPÉTIT!
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avocado on toast is *almost* better than buttered toast but i feel less guilty eating it so man…maybe the two are tied for first.
I LOVE AVOCADOS!!!!!!!!!!!
that looks delicious! i love avocados! those colors on that plate look so good together, i wouldn’t want to eat it!
Lora- that’s spot on… Avocado toast and buttered toast are equally delicious but because avocados are “good fat” I feel better eating them on toast than butter….
Bird Trouble!!!!!! YES!!! I love your enthusiasm!!!!! ME TOOOOO!!!
Molly Beth Thank you! Oooh- I like the idea of a “food too pretty” diet! I’m going to have to step up my plating so that I too think my dishes are too pretty to eat! Might help me lose a few lbs!
Oh wow. That looks AMAZING! I would do anything for an avocado right now. In fact, I’m going to go get one!
Thanks Janee!!