As you may know, I’ve had to cut back on my blogging because I’m working on a BIG project right now. What better way to share exciting news, than with a crazy, glitter-based craft?
Basically, the long and short of it is that a publishing company based in Europe noticed this very blog, and asked if I would be interested in recording a video-based book on how to shoot quality photos of handmade crafts. I know, I know, it sounds a little bit “Nigerian Banker,” but it’s not… it’s actually legit. I leave for Europe at the end of May. I still cannot believe it.
First of all, let me say this, when I was initially asked to do this project, I had some SERIOUS doubts. I mean, I love photography, but surely there are more talented photographers, and crafters out there. I mean, obviously there are. As the weeks have progressed, I’ve had to stop second-guessing myself (which is as natural as breathing for me), and just accept that sometimes, things happen that are fantastic, and sometimes things happen that are super crappy. Maybe this opportunity is the universe saying, “Hey, sorry about last year, I know that was really dark for you.” Whatever the case may be, my videos will be recorded and wrapped up in early June, and hopefully available for sale later this year!

Wow! Fantastic! I’m so happy for you. When you’re in Norway, take the amazing train ride to Bergen and eat the fresh smoked salmon at the outdoor market till you burst. And if you get to France, check out the mountains and alpine lake at Annecy. And then there’s Chamonix, and Cap D’Antibes, and of course Paris. Stop me, or I’ll have to come with you.
Is there a personal significance to mounting the golden wishbone on an excerpt of As I Lay Dying? I thought it seemed quite the oxymoron.
J- THANK YOU!!! Oh my gosh I cannot WAIT to stuff myself with smoked salmon! Great suggestions! Thanks
Shaina- HA! You noticed!! One of my best friends knew I was looking for old books to use in crafts, and she gave me half of “As I Lay Dying” I thought it was perfect… I’m so stressed out that I FEEL like I’m dying… but yea, hopefully my training will be less “stream of consciousness”, and more “concise and interesting information”. Either way, GOOD EYE!
hi megan! (“anonymous religious reader” here!). . .its fate! i’d say i felt it in my bones (no pun intended towards this blog post, but when i wrote in for your felted peep contest, i just knew it. . .you’re a terrific writer! and an amazing photographer! europe will be so excited to have you! i can’t wait to see your video books! no suggestions to where to go (i’ve never been to europe) – so go everywhere! have a fabulous time! and congratulations! you rock!
Good luck! I love the glittery wish bone!
wow, that is so exciting! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhhh, we sold you this glitter less than 6 hours ago! you are a quick one! xo The U.C.C
Thank you “anonymous religious reader” hee-hee! I sure appreciate you sweet words! Thanks sooooo much for your support!! xoxox
Sara- Thank you bestie!!! Maybe Jeffy can do this craft afer your next BBQ 😉
Sarah- Thanks so much lady! You, for instance are someone FAR more skilled at photography than I… Love you!!!
Rhea- HAH! I haven’t opened my rad multi-pack of glitter yet… the gold I used was one of two glitter colors I owned before today. What kind of self-respecting crafter only owns TWO colors of glitter? Pshhh. Not this crafter…anymore. Thanks UCC! xoxo PS- Sexy banner you guys have here! ;^)
There is no one more talented or deserving of this fine stroke of luck!
Keep the wishbone to treat jet lag and laundry upon your return!
So stoked for you!
This is soooo awesome! I’m so excited for you Megan!! You are so talented – you host such a great blog – your crafts are awesome – you totally deserve this!!
I’ve never been to Europe, so I have no suggestions. But I just had to let you know that you really are a RADMegan and I’m very excited for you.
Rad Meg….
Congratulations. You’ve worked so hard on this blog. I’m thrilled for you. Don’t forget us “little people”
I just love watching your rise to fame and fortune
Congrats Megan, you totally deserve this opportunity!
How awesome! Congrats!
You do not need luck, girl! You are THE Radmegan! Everything you touch turns to gold (gold and glittery, apparently). I know you’ll do awesome and I am SO excited for all your adventures!
Ohh how wonderful.
I will ask about and come up with a list of things that are good and also those that are overrated as a friends aunt did for me when I went to Sydney. I think that was almost more useful.
If you are in South East England at some point after the beginning of June, let me know. there is always a sofa or just a drink waiting…
Oh Megan, I am so excited for you and you do not need any luck…someone knows true talent when they see it!! I am so happy and I hope you have the greatest time ever. You deserve this opportunity so much. Come back with lots of stories and pictures for us. We will truly miss you. BTW, the felted peeps came Friday. They are so cute. I gotta learn how to do this for the little guys. Hugs
Thank you Suzanne!!! xxxoooo
You too Cassandra- I totally appreciate it! Thanks!
Aww Peter- you will never be little to me!! I’ll always think back to when I was helping YOU get comfortable in front of the camera
Thank you Angela!!! :^D
Hey thanks Marty! I soooo appreciate it!
Jess- Thank you! What should we coat in glitter when you come over??
KnightMare- I love your username
I’ll probably be in South England towards the middle/end of June? Where are you located? We should go to the Kew together!!
Wrightmrsld- Thank goodness your peeps came before Easter!! Yikes- that was cutting it close! Thank you soooooooo much for your kind words. Your support means the WORLD to me! Thank you thank you!!! xoxoxo
Dear Megan,
I’ve just returned from Easter holidays to find that you’ll be coming to Europe. How about dropping by Porto in Portugal? It’s a 2 hour flight from London.
Okay, am I the only one that chortled when I read “make sure your BONE is totally clean?”
*snort* Maybe I should mention that I have been alone in my house with a one year old all day….;)
Megan, I love your blog and hope your trip is fantastic!!!
– Keren
have jsut come back to read the comments on this. Why does blogspot not let us have replies
I live in Southampton but easy to get to london etc. I have never been to Kew before. June sounds good. I will just hav finished uni by then 😀 xxx